Boundaries and More

We stake our reputation on your land.

Boundaries and more at Richard D Bartlett in Concord, NH

Boundary Marking in Concord, NH


Property boundary locations are vital to every home owner and commercial property owner. Knowing the exact location of all corners of your property is key to maintaining positive relationships with neighboring residents. Our team will research and mark any missing corners to your lot as a measure to prevent improper installation of fences, trees or any structure on your property or conversely your installation of any structure on neighboring properties
Construction Layout in Concord, NH

Construction Layout

At Richard D. Bartlett & Associates, our team will provide locations for buildings, driveways, septic systems and all out buildings for your new construction project. Our measurements will be calculated using current boundary locations and any State, Federal or Local set back requirements. We will work with your construction manager to ensure your building location and driveway layouts are correct.
Septic System Design Marker in Concord, NH.

Septic Designs

Whether you need to install a new septic system on a property or you're making plans to replace an existing system, we can create a septic design. We will coordinate with your septic installation contractor to facilitate the process for you as well as completing and submitting all applicable permit applications and plans.

Our team of licensed professionals can help with all of your land surveying needs.
Contact us today at (603) 225-6770 and see what we can do for you!
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